
JAKARTA - Uploads on the DPD RI's official Instagram account have been in the spotlight because they are considered 'smells' of politics. The reason is that there are a number of @dpdri uploads containing support for DPD Chair LaNyalla Mattalitti to run in the presidential election.

Suddenly this upload was deemed to have the smell of a campaign which was deemed inappropriate to be published through the DPD institutional account.

Regarding this spotlight, the Head of the DPD Public Relations and Media Protocol Bureau, Mahyu Darma, gave an explanation. It was emphasized that the upload on the DPD RI's Instagram account was not related to LaNyalla's political interests.

"The chairman of the DPD in the Act is in charge of absorbing aspirations," said Mahyu confirmed by VOI, Monday, May 30.

According to him, it is necessary to distinguish between political campaigns and the duties of the DPD leadership regulated by law. Based on the rules, a campaign called Mahyu must meet criteria including props to an invitation to choose a candidate.

Even though the issue of carrying candidates in the 2024 presidential election has not been determined by political parties at this time. Moreover, Mahyu emphasized that the position of DPD Chairman only accepts aspirations.

"We can't possibly upload the campaign issue on the official website," continued Mahyu.

Regarding the uploads including the publication of PPP cadres who support LaNyalla if he intends to contest the 2024 presidential election, Mahyu reiterates that the position of the DPD Chair only accepts aspirations.

“Sir, did you respond to the support? no," he said.

Mahyu confirmed that the DPD RI Instagram account admin team really selected the uploads to be published. Of course, the publications that are submitted to the public are all related to institutional performance, including the duties of the DPD leadership.

“Essentially, he absorbs various kinds of aspirations. Mr. La Nyalla moves to work. Looking at the regional conditions, whoever is a fisherman, farmer, their aspirations cannot be prohibited from having to do with performance,” said Mahyu.

There are a number of uploads regarding support if LaNyalla runs for the presidential election on the DPD RI Instagram account. Like an upload which is captioned 'The State Needs Strong Leaders, KAHMI Pare-Pare Supports LaNyalla To Be President'

Then another upload 'Consistently Struggles for the People, PPP Cadres Encourage LaNyalla to Become President' 2024. But as of 20.14 WIB, the upload that was highlighted has recently been deleted.

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