
BOGOR - Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General TNI Dudung Abdurachman asked the ranks of the TNI and Polri as well as the regional government to reduce the price of bulk cooking oil on the market to match the highest retail price (HET).

"Today, I and the Danrem, the Head of the Regional Police have directly inspected shops selling cooking oil. According to the direction of the Coordinating Minister for Vessels, this HET is really being suppressed because it should not have an impact on consumers, especially the highest retail prices," he said after conducting a sudden inspection. (surveillance) to Bogor City's Anyar Market, reported by Antara, Monday, May 30.

Dudung, who was accompanied by Danrem 061/Suryakencana Brigadier General Rudy Saladin, Head of Bogor City Police, Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro, and Deputy Mayor of Bogor Dedie A Rachim, presented awards in the form of certificates to traders who had sold bulk cooking oil according to the HET of Rp. 14,000 per liter or Rp. 15 .500 per kilogram, and put a red sticker on shops that still sell these staples for over Rp. 17,000.

He said the results of the inspection at Pasar Anyar in Bogor City, there are indeed varied prices since at the distributor level so that retail traders do not sell according to the HET.

Dudung also ordered the TNI and Polri to look for and find rogue agents who sell bulk cooking oil at a high enough rate, then immediately take steps to quickly return to normal according to the HET.

The unstable price in the market, according to him, has a huge impact on the wider community, so that treatment needs to be done immediately.

"I emphasize this to all levels, especially in Java-Bali to check with the police, so that the highest retail prices can really return to normal, because this will have an impact on the community," he said.

Previously, in Bogor City, the Cooking Oil Price Control Task Force said that there were 95 shops that had been monitored.

There are eight shops in the green category or those that have sold according to HET, the yellow category or selling a maximum of 10 percent above the HET, which is Rp. 17,000, with 18 stores and the red category or above Rp. 17,000 which has 49 stores. The remaining 20 stores only sell premium packaged cooking oil.

The Bogor City Cooking Oil Price Control Task Force consists of 200 joint TNI/Polri officers who carry out monitoring, guidance and prosecution for violations of traders and distributors, if they still sell bulk cooking oil above the HET.

It is targeted that within one week, the control of the price of bulk cooking oil in Bogor City can be achieved until it is in accordance with the HET.

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