
JAKARTA - The Livestock and Animal Health Service (DPKH) of Gunung Kidul Regency found as many as 51 cases of livestock with suspected mouth and nail disease (PMK). Dozens of suspects have been sent to the Wates Veterinary Center for laboratory tests.

Head of the Gunung Kidul DPKH, Wibawanti Wulandari, said the findings of the suspected livestock were the result of monitoring at livestock shelters in Playen, Semanu, Karangmojo and several other sub-districts.

"We sent samples of the suspected livestock to the Wates Veterinary Center for laboratory testing and the livestock were immediately isolated in a closed isolation. We also carried out treatment and monitoring through animal health officers in each sub-district," he said in Wonosari, quoted from Antara, Monday 30 May.

Wulandari has communicated with the Trade Office to close two markets, namely the Siyono Animal Market in Playen District and Munggi Animal Market in Semanu District. The closure of this market is in order to anticipate the spread of mouth and nail disease in this region.

"Closing the animal market for livestock limits the gathering of healthy and sick cattle," he said.

In addition, he said, his party is also intensifying communication, education and information to the breeder community so as not to panic with the findings of six positive FMD cows and 51 FMD suspect cows. FMD in livestock can be cured if handled properly.

"This PMK can be cured. We ask the public not to panic and not to sell livestock at cheap prices," said Wulandari.

Previously, Head of the Gunung Kidul Trade Service, Kelik Yuniantoro, said that his party had closed two animal markets, namely the Siyono Animal Market in Playen District and the Munggi Animal Market in Semanu District for 14 days because there were findings of suspected cases of FMD against traded livestock.

"Hopefully, by closing the two markets, FMD findings do not spread to other livestock. In addition, nine other animal markets in Gunung Kidul will also be monitored. If cases are found, the animal markets will be temporarily closed as in Siyono and Munggi," he said.

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