
JEMBRANA - The Jembrana Police Team, Bali, arrested a group of thieves who worked in a shrimp farm in Banjar Delod, Pangkung, Budeng Village.

The perpetrators of the shrimp theft, namely Mohamad Asari (28), Hariyanto (34) Agus Salim (36), Febriyanto (43) Imam Taufik (30) from Banyuwangi, East Java and one trafficker named Samsul Hadi were arrested on Friday, May 27.

"The Jembrana Police have succeeded in uncovering a criminal case of theft with a weight of 1,309 kg of shrimp," said Jembrana Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP M. Reza Pratana, Monday, May 30.

The shrimp pond belonged to Lin Shuquan. The five thieves were workers in the victim's shrimp farm.

"The perpetrators numbered five people and one intermediary. We immediately arrested five perpetrators in their respective homes in the Banyuwangi area, East Java," said AKP Reza.

The actors share the task in action. The perpetrators secretly put the shrimp into a plastic basket and separated them when they were loaded into the truck.

This shrimp is sold to a middleman in Jembrana for Rp. 72 million.

"This incident has been repeatedly carried out by the perpetrators. The motives of the five perpetrators are deliberately to be sold to get money. Meanwhile, the motive of the traffickers is to buy the shrimp from the crime because it can be sold at a low price so that it makes a profit," said AKP Reza.

The victim suffered a total loss of Rp. 122 million. The five perpetrators were charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code.

"As for the intermediary, namely Article 480 of the Criminal Code concerning criminal acts of evil aid with a threat of 4 years in prison," he said.

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