
TERNATE - The case of alleged corruption in the operational budget of the regional head of South Halmahera Regency (Halsel) is being investigated by the Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) of the North Maluku Representative.

North Maluku BPKP Investigation Supervision Coordinator Her Notoraharjo said BPKP was asking for clarification from witnesses related to this case.

"The criminal case of corruption in the operational budget of the regional head of Halalsel is in the stage of clarifying certain parties related to the 2021 budget, which has a ceiling of IDR 4.5 billion," he said in Ternate, quoted from Antara, Monday 30 May.

Her Notoraharjo said that currently the BPKP team has calculated state financial losses in the alleged corruption case.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the North Maluku Police, Kombes Pol. Michael Irwan Tamsil said that the Regional Police are currently waiting for the calculation of state losses from the North Maluku Representative Office of the BPKP.

"If the results are available, then we will proceed to the next stage, holding a case to determine the suspect," he said.

According to Michael, investigators from the Dit Reskrimsus Polda Malut have not named a suspect even though this case has been raised to an investigation status.

When the police have received the results of the calculation of state financial losses from the North Sumatra Representative Office of the BPKP, they will determine the next steps.

Allegations of corruption in the operational budget of the regent and deputy regent emerged after the leadership shift from the Regent of Bahrain Kasuba and Deputy Regent Iswan Hasjim to Regent Usman Sidik and Deputy Regent Hasan Ali Bassam Kasuba.

The budget is attached to the Regional Secretariat of South Halmahera Regency and is used for the period from January to early May 2021.

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