
MATARAM - Lampung Regional Police (Polda) investigators brought two recipients of packages containing 3 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine initials IGS (45) and PJP (45) from West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

Head of the West Lombok Police Narcotics Investigation Unit AKP Faisal Afrihadi said the two West Lombok residents were involved in the arrest of a drug kingpin in Lampung.

"It is suspected that the two of them are network liaisons in Lampung. The boss has been arrested in Lampung first, and they are both developing," Faisal said, quoted by Antara, Monday, May 30.

The role of the two of them was revealed from the results of the Lampung Regional Police investigation. When the boss of this network was caught, evidence of 3 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine was on its way to Lombok Island.

"So when the boss was caught, the goods were already on the way. So the team from Lampung followed them to Lombok and arrested them both in Mataram," he said.

The two perpetrators, he continued, were arrested at a five-star hotel in the Mataram City area. Both were arrested by the NTB Police Narcotics Investigation Directorate team assisted by the Mataram Police Narcotics Investigation Team, Friday (27/5).

From the arrest of the two perpetrators, the police carried out an expansion to the IGS house in Jagaraga, Kuripan District, West Lombok Regency.

"Because the development location is in West Lombok, we helped in the search of the IGS house," he said.

The result, he said, was found a clear plastic clip containing methamphetamine in the form of white crystalline powder. The weight of the evidence found in the bathroom area reached 42 grams.

Even from the results of the search, two men with the initials INB and IKJ were also arrested. Both are still in the IGS family.

"There is no evidence related to drugs from the two people. However, because the urine test result of one of them was positive for methamphetamine, rehabilitation will be carried out," he said.

Faisal said that his party would continue to legally process IGS regarding the finding of 42 grams of shabu at his home.

"But we will wait for the legal process in Lampung to be completed. If it is finished there, only those in West Lombok will enter," said Faisal.

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