
JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria asked the public not to worry about the potential recurrence of the roof of the Formula E spectator stands that collapsed last week.

Riza said that currently the roof in the "Grandstand" area is being repaired. Thus, he claims that there will be no problems on the D-day of the event.

"God willing, Formula E will be held on the 4th. Regarding the roof of the stands yesterday, there was rain, there was strong wind, it has been repaired. So, there are no problems. People don't have to worry," said Riza when met at City Hall, Monday, May 30.

When met separately, the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, was reluctant to comment on the incident where the roof of the Formula E spectator stands collapsed a few days before the race was held.

After attending the 20th anniversary of PKS at Istora Senayan, Jakarta, on Sunday, May 29 yesterday, Anies just smiled as he got into his car before leaving the location.

The roof of the spectator stands in the Grandstand area collapsed on Friday evening, May 27, due to heavy rains that flushed the location of the circuit in the eastern part of Ancol, North Jakarta.

Based on observations on Sunday, May 29 afternoon, there has been no visible improvement in the collapsed roof of the tribune. Yesterday, the condition of the international Formula E circuit today, the roof still covers the stands and the metal frame for the support looks slanted.

Principle HSE Consultant Formula E Operation Richard Bates said the contractor would clean the damaged roofing material before repairing it. Repairs are targeted for completion on Thursday, June 2 next.

"The roof repair plan is very simple. In two days we will first remove the damaged roofing materials and in three days we will rebuild it, and it is estimated that it will be completed on Thursday, the maximum target is Thursday," Richard told reporters at the Pullman Hotel. , Central Jakarta, Sunday, May 29.

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