
JAKARTA - Formula E's Vice Managing Director Gunung Kartiko assessed that the Formula E circuit stands in Jakarta collapsed due to bad weather that hit the area. He claimed, according to the Formula E Organization (FEO) and engineers that the incident was normal, because the weather was not good.

"It was said earlier that the wind was really strong. Like, let's see, last night, right, last night like in Ancol, the wind was quite strong," Gunung told reporters at the Pulman Hotel, Central Jakarta, Sunday, May 29.

“According to FEO and according to our engineers, this is a natural thing to happen. Because of the weather, yes, that's what we are (allegedly) outside," he continued.

Regarding the alleged collapse of the roof of the circuit tribune, it was considered too fast, Gunung emphasized that it had nothing to do with it. "There is no connection, there is no correlation. Therefore, if it is too fast, there will definitely be infrastructure problems below. There's no problem underneath that," he said.

On this occasion, he admitted that his party together with the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) would be more concerned about weather forecasting.

"And from now on, we will also be more aware of the weather forecast (including) BMKG," he concluded.

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