
JAKARTA - The National Research and Innovation Agency says Muslims can correct the Qibla direction when the sun is over the Kaaba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, on July 15, 2022. On July 15, 2022 at noon in Mecca or 12:26.42 Saudi Time or 16.26.42 WIB, the sun is directly above the Kaaba.

"The Great Culmination (the sun is directly above the Kaaba) that occurs at the Kaaba can be used to check and straighten the Qibla direction, this is because the shadow of the object formed will point towards the Kaaba when the sun is above the Kaaba, "said researcher at the BRIN Space Research Center Andi Pangerang in a statement quoted by Antara, Sunday, May 29.

Andi said the sun will be above the Kaaba at noon twice a year. Astronomically, this phenomenon occurs when the sun's declination is equal to or smaller than the geographical latitude of the Kaaba.

Declination is the angle between the apparent daily trajectory of the sun and the projection of the earth's equator on the celestial sphere or also called the celestial equator.

In addition to July 15, 2022, the solar phenomenon above the Kaaba will also occur on May 28, 2022 at 12:17.59 Saudi Time or 16.17.59 WIB.

Andi explained a number of steps in determining the Qibla direction when the sun was above the Kaaba, namely finding a flat location exposed to sunlight, providing a straight stick or other non-hollow upright object such as chalkboard markers and drinking bottles, or using thread. bobble.

Then, prepare a calibrated clock. Stick the sticks above the ground and make sure the sticks are completely perpendicular or 90 degrees from the ground, or hang a bobbin of string.

Wait until the time of the Great Culmination arrives, then observe the shadow of the stick or string at that time. Mark the end of the shadow, then draw a straight line with the center of the shadow (stick/pendulum). The straight line that goes from the tip to the center of the shadow is the Qibla direction for the place.

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