
JAKARTA - The West Java Provincial Government pays special attention to the social problems of the single elderly (elderly) community as the largest in Indonesia. The problem of single elderly or living alone without family assistance is related to the relatively low level of education of the local community.

"I, as Chair of the West Java Province Poverty Reduction Coordination Team, already know this," said Deputy Governor of West Java Uu Ruzhanul Ulum as quoted by Antara at the 2022 National Elderly Day event in Tasikmalaya, Sunday 29 May.

According to UU, the Human Development Index (HDI) in Tasikmalaya is below average. Not only material assistance, but educational assistance is increased because there seems to be a link between poverty and education.

He encourages cooperation in social assistance from private companies to improve the education level of the community in Tasikmalaya Regency. According to the Law, the West Java Provincial Government's assistance is directed to several districts which are considered poverty above the national average.

"Single seniors are our concern, in the future we will pay special attention to Tasikmalaya," he said.

According to Uu, gotong royong with the entire community is very helpful for the regional budget situation in West Java, which is experiencing limitations. "Local budgets are limited. Entrepreneurs also provide CSR assistance through programs to the community so that they share goodness with the community," he said.

The Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, said the single elderly population in Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java, was the largest in Indonesia. "The single elderly that we are helping, he has no family. The most single elderly people in Indonesia are found in Tasikmalaya Regency," said Tri Rismaharini when delivering a speech at the 2022 National Elderly Day (HLUN) at Singaparna Medika Citrautama Hospital, Tasikmalaya, Sunday.

Based on a report from the Ministry of Social Affairs, the number of single elderly people in Tasikmalaya Regency is around 28,000 people spread over 39 sub-districts.

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