
JAKARTA - Commission II of the DPR highlighted the phenomenon of the many 2021 Civil Servant Candidates (CPNS) who have resigned. The government was asked to improve the governance system for the state civil apparatus (ASN).

"Improving HR management is needed to anticipate the resignation of people who have passed the civil service selection," said Member of Commission II of the DPR, Mardani Ali Sera, Friday, May 27.

There are at least 105 CPNS who have passed the 2021 selection and have resigned. Several things became the reason the CPNS resigned, ranging from the amount of salary to the remote placement location.

Mardani considered, the phenomenon of crowds of civil servants resigning should be a serious concern of the Government. He said bureaucratic reform, including in the selection process for CPNS acceptance, was about to be improved.

"The rights and obligations of CPNS regarding technical work in each agency need to be announced to the public in more detail. So people know exactly the rights and obligations of CPNS before participating in the selection process," said Mardani.

Transparency regarding rights and obligations needs to be implemented more optimally so that no CPNS will resign again after being accepted as state servants. In addition, said Mardani, there needs to be improvements in the salary remuneration system.

"The government must evaluate the welfare of civil servants, whose basic salary is still quite small," he said.

"There must be an increase in salary following the development of life so that civil servants are quite prosperous without having to depend on various allowances or official travel money," added Mardani.

The legislator from the DKI Jakarta I Dapil also reminded that the current needs of the community have changed. According to Mardani, the psychology of civil servants who now come from the millennial and gen z circles must also be considered by policymakers so that the work system within the Government can also slightly adjust to the times.

“This may be the tip of the iceberg of the problem of ASN management using the old paradigm while the pattern and nature of work changes. Including the expectations of job seekers also changed. One of the elements of salary," he explained.

Mardani understands the standard civil servant work system and demands a consistent work pattern. Even so, it is said that BKN and related institutions need to imitate the management carried out by the private sector so that the state does not lose superior human resources because they prefer to work in non-government fields which benefit and the work environment is more suitable for them.

“A bureaucracy with true integrity is mandatory. But we also have to be able to understand today's children who are not only looking for a salary but also comfort and optimality in their work, "said Mardani.

Commission II of the DPR RI also regretted that many CPNS had resigned. Mardani is worried that this event will disrupt public services because the formation of the CPNS selection has been adjusted to the needs of each ministry/institution.

“They are already plotted for one clear position. And for filling it requires a longer procedure and time. It is feared that this incident will disrupt the work system," he explained.

“For example, the doctor's position at the Puskesmas that should be filled becomes empty. Kemenpan RB and BKN as well as the Ministry of Finance need to investigate this issue," concluded Mardani.

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