
JAKARTA - Secretary of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Masdes Arouffy, said that participant activities have now been allowed to participate in the car free day (HBKB) or car free day (CFD) activities in Jakarta.

This was decided after there was a plan by the Formula E Organizing Committee to exhibit a replica of a Formula E car at the HI Roundabout during the CFD event on Sunday, May 29.

"The meeting was held this afternoon. There is a new adjustment regarding participants during the HBKB this week," said Masdes in a short message, Friday, May 27.

That way, the plan to display the electric car replica is permitted by the DKI Provincial Government. "If this is because it is only a replica, there is no vehicle engine, that's okay," said Masdes.

However, Masdes emphasized that the change in participants' provisions, which were still banned last week, was not only due to the plan to exhibit a replica of a Formula E car. Moreover, other participants were also allowed to carry out activities provided that they had carried out the licensing process. Level 1. "The COVID-19 situation is getting better, currently PPKM has dropped to Level 1," he continued.

Previously, the Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the Jakarta EPrix 2022, Ahmad Sahroni, said that his party plans to exhibit a replica of a Formula E car during the car free day (CFD) at the HI Roundabout on Sunday this week. People can see directly while taking pictures with the car.

The Formula E racing car that will be on display during the Motor Vehicle Free Day (HBKB) is a replica that will not be used in the Ancol race on June 4.

"This will be exhibited at CFD so that the public can see firsthand, this type of Formula E (car)," said Sahroni at the Jakarta International Velodrome, East Jakarta, Thursday, May 26.

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