
TANGERANG - A sack warehouse in Moringa Village, East Sepatan, Tangerang Regency. Losses are estimated to be in the hundreds of millions of rupiah.

Head of Emergency and Logistics BPBD Tangerang Regency Abdul Munir said the incident occurred on Friday, May 27, at 06.45 WIB.

"It's true that the sack warehouse caught fire, the loss was estimated at Rp150 million," said Abdul via text message, Friday, May 27.

Abdul explained that the incident occurred because someone was burning trash at the crime scene (TKP). However, around the area a lot of combustible materials until the incident occurred.

"The fire was caused by burning garbage, so it spread," he said.

From this fire, two teams with 7 personnel were dispatched to extinguish the fire. At around 07.30 WIB, the fire was extinguished with the status of the situation in a safe condition.

He confirmed that there were no fatalities in the fire incident.

"No casualties," he concluded.

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