
JAKARTA - The condition of Rafania Putri Alfaqila (2), the daughter of the late husband and wife couple (couple) Raka Prayogo Putra (26) and Nova Kharisma (23) who died in the deadly collision of a Mitsubishi Pajero car on Jalan MT Haryono, Pancoran, South Jakarta, gradually recover.

Rafania Putri Alfaqila, who had been treated at the Budhi Asih Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Cawang, East Jakarta, began to regain consciousness.

According to Suharso, the victim's uncle, even though he has regained consciousness, Rafania's current condition is still traumatized by the accident.

"The latest news, still traumatized," said Suharso to reporters, Friday, May 27.

Rafania was treated after the accident that occurred on Wednesday, May 25, last night.

"Now the latest news is that he is conscious and Jasa Raharja has also provided funds for (costs) at the hospital," he said.

Rafania was also a victim of the accident after the motorbike driven by Raka and Nova was hit by a Mitsubishi Pajero car from behind and squeezed between two cars.

At that moment, Rafania, who was riding in the front, bounced until she hit her head. Both of his parents died on the spot.

The next step, said Suharso, the family will coordinate with the Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya who handles this case. The family will demand responsibility for the Pajero driver.

"We are waiting for news on the extent of the responsibility of the perpetrators who crashed," he said. The responsibility for the answer is not only legal, but also related to education costs for Rafania, who is now an orphan.

"We'll wait from them, what kind of goodwill it is, because this is a disaster, right," he said.

He said, in his daily life, Raka works as an online motorcycle taxi driver while his wife, Nova, is a housewife.

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