
JAKARTA - The low income belonging to the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in the sector of receiving assets for social facilities (fasos) and public facilities (fasum) handed over by developers is often the focus of the DKI Jakarta DPRD. In fact, developers have the responsibility to build and hand over social and public facilities to the government and make an inventory by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Asset Management Agency (BPAD), Reza Pahlevi, admitted that the slow asset inventory was due to the Mayor and Regent being less active in reporting the handover of assets from developers. “In the BPAD Pergub, the function is only to record. The handover and physical examination are entirely in the hands of the mayor. Even though the governor's regulation states that every three months it is mandatory to report, but that doesn't work either," Reza said in a statement quoted on Thursday, May 26.

In fact, mayors and regents in Jakarta must actively inventory assets every three months and report them to BPAD. Reza admitted that his party actually only recorded assets that had been reported.

"In the end, every December I go to the mayor to collect the social and public facilities that have been handed over," he said.

Previously, Commission C of the DKI Jakarta DPRD urged the DKI Provincial Government to optimize the recording of assets that have great potential for regional income. “We want to see where the problem is, because we want to help pursue these assets. This year should be the maximum. We will continue to monitor it from data collection to handover and utilization," said Secretary of Commission C of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Yusuf, some time ago.

It is known that the DKI Provincial Government already has a number of rules for billing developers. Such as Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2012 concerning Public Infrastructure, Facilities and Utilities and Governor Regulation Number 12 of 2020 concerning Mechanisms for Delegating Obligations from Permit and Non-Permit Holders.

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