
ACEH - The West Aceh District Government handed over plantation land assistance to former Free Aceh Movement (GAM) combatants, amnesty political prisoners (tapol), and conflict victims.

"This assistance is a form of commitment from the West Aceh Regency Government in realizing the points of the Helsinki MoU, namely providing agricultural land to former combatants, political prisoners who received amnesty, and conflict victims as a form of reintegration and livelihood restoration," said West Aceh Regent H Ramli MS in Meulaboh. reported from Antara, Thursday, May 26.

Agricultural land or plantation assistance for combatants, political prisoners and political prisoners covering an area of 612 hectares, located in Simpang Teumarom Village, Woyla District, West Aceh Regency, with a total of 306 subjects.

The granting of this assistance, based on the redistribution of land with joint ownership rights in the West Aceh Regency in 2022, is based on the Decree of the West Aceh Regent Number 128 and Number 129 of 2022.

Ramli MS said that the land redistribution had actually started since he served as the Regent of West Aceh in the first period, namely in the 2007-2012 era. However, there are some technical issues that make the implementation a bit bogged down.

However, his party continues to push for the realization of the mandate of the Helsinki MoU to be immediately realized for the people of West Aceh as a whole.

For this reason, he said, it is necessary to have good communication and coordination from all related parties so that the redistribution of land with joint ownership rights can be implemented immediately.

"We continue to encourage all relevant parties to accelerate the implementation of these stages of land redistribution, so that eventually people can immediately receive land certificates and use them as a source of income to improve welfare," he said.

He hopes that the land that will be given later can be put to good use for the prosperity of the community, especially for combatants of the Free Aceh Movement, amnesty political prisoners, and victims of conflict.

"Don't let this land be sold only for personal interests," said Ramli MS.

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