
MAKASSAR - An investor from Saudi Arabia, OSOS Al Masarat International CO, through its Director, Aldaej Saad Ibrahi, attended the trial for a further civil lawsuit in the case of alleged default by developer PT Zarindah, at the Makassar District Court, South Sulawesi.

"Learning from here, we make sure to be careful next time when we want to invest. It has been 3 years going back and forth to Indonesia but our money has not returned," said Aldaej, as conveyed by his translator, after attending a trial at the Makassar District Court reported by Antara, Wednesday, 25 May.

The lawyer for OSOS Al Masarat Internasional CO, Yoyo Arifardhani, said that the follow-up trial was with the agenda of hearing the statements of the reporting witnesses. He also asked for justice, considering the cooperation between Indonesia and Saudi Arabia.

"In the statement there is Rp. 258 billion. PT OSOS only asks for justice in the statement, that's all. PT Zarindah made a statement of Rp. 258 billion, but it was not implemented. That is the basis for the claim," he said.

Yoyo explained from the statement that there was absolutely no payment. However, his party was reluctant to mention in detail in the letter because it was a private investment secret. Investors also come to ask for justice.

"We can't talk because it's a private investment secret. But basically OSOS came here on the basis of a statement signed by the director of PT Zarindah for IDR 258 billion," he said.

According to him, the defendant in this case PT Zarindah has not deposited any profits or dividends from investments, even though payments should have been made from 2018 to 2020.

"There is no (payment) yet, after the statement, there is nothing. It was stated in the statement that it would pay Rp 258 billion, but that was not done by PT Zarindah," he told reporters after the trial.

Don't accept money

Previously, the President Director of PT Zarindah Group, M. Sadiq, felt aggrieved, so he clarified the lawsuit by the attorney team for the Saudi Arabian investor who claimed to return the investment funds of up to Rp258 billion.

"Frankly, we never received the funds. Three years ago, we were appointed, but the lawsuit was rejected. Now we are being sued again," Sadiq told reporters when giving a press statement in Makassar.

He explained that this case had been sued in 2019. In the decision of the Makassar District Court Number 282/PDT/2020/PT MKS, it was stated that the lawsuit did not contain a criminal element.

In fact, the National Police Headquarters has issued a Notice of Termination of Investigation (SP3) Number B231/III/2020/Dittipidum, as well as from the South Sulawesi Police in a letter dated March 2, 2020.

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