
TANGERANG - Residents of Gang Musala Cipondoh, Tangerang City were shocked by the discovery of a baby fetus. The Cipondoh Police Chief, Kompol Ubaidillah, said the fetus was found at noon, Wednesday, May 25, in front of a resident's house.

"Yes, it's true. (The discovery) is in front of a resident's house. Not far from the prayer room. Mushola alley," said Ubaidillah when he was confirmed, Thursday, May 25.

Ubaidillah recounted that the discovery started when a resident, as a witness, returned from the market to his residence.

Right in front of the house, near the Kenanga Village office, the witness saw a plastic bag at around 11.00 WIB.

"A resident came home from the market. Then, he saw the package. He thought the package was garbage. It turned out that when he saw it, he checked it, there was a fetus, that's it," said Ubaidillah.

The witness panicked and shouted to attract the attention of the residents. Until finally the police came to the location to identify, the fetus has been taken to the hospital.

"Yes (the baby) has been taken to the hospital," he said.

Ubaidillah said, to follow up on the case, his party would conduct an investigation by examining a number of witnesses who were around the crime scene (TKP).

"We don't know (aborted or not). We are waiting for the arrest of the perpetrator first, then we will find a bright spot. We will look for the perpetrator first. Now we are still gathering witnesses around the crime scene," he concluded.

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