
SURABAYA - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa said that currently there are as many as 15 districts/cities whose status is "green zone" or free from infection with mouth and nail disease (FMD) in livestock.

"In those 15 areas, livestock are protected and can supply cattle for districts/cities in need. Including for Eid al-Adha," he said after holding a coordination meeting to accelerate the handling and control of PMK in Surabaya, Wednesday, May 25.

The coordination meeting, he said, was carried out with the Surabaya Veterinary Farma Center (PUSVETMA) and the Expert Team to formulate steps to accelerate the control of PMK.

Based on data from the East Java Livestock Service, 15 areas with PMK "green zone" status include Sampang, Pamekasan, Sumenep, Banyuwangi, Situbondo, Ngawi, Pacitan, Tulungagung, Trenggalek, Ponorogo, Nganjuk, Kediri, Blitar, Kediri City, and Blitar City.

Meanwhile, the other 23 regencies/cities in East Java are PMK's "yellow zones".

"We protect areas that are directly adjacent to the yellow or red zone," said the number one person in the East Java Provincial Government.

His party also saw that several areas outside Java, one of which was Pangkal Pinang, had their cattle supply from Madura, so it was necessary to think about how they could still ship safely.

The protection in question, said Khofifah, is for example by sending cattle via sea crossings and not passing through affected areas.

"Even if it is possible, later we will ask the Minister of Transportation for permission so that it can be done directly," said Khofifah.

Meanwhile, based on data from the Integrated Command Post for Handling FMD for Livestock, East Java Provincial Government, as of May 24, 2022, 8,794 cows were infected with FMD.

Of the total, 1,482 cows have been declared cured.

For the distribution of cases in East Java, there are five regions recorded as having active FMD cases, namely Lumajang with 1,595 cases, Gresik with 1,531 cases, Mojokerto with 1,175 cases, Probolinggo with 972 cases, and Sidoarjo with 862 cases.

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