
SANGIHE - The Sangihe Islands District Health Office, North Sulawesi, noted that there had been no new cases of COVID-19 in the last 30 days.

"There are no reports of new cases, and we hope that it won't happen. The zero case position has persisted for the past month," said Head of the Sangihe District Health Office, Handry Pasandaran di Tahuna, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, May 25.

He said the success of efforts to suppress the transmission of COVID-19 in Sangihe Regency could not be separated from the hard work of handling task force officers and response teams at the sub-district and sub-district and village or village levels, including residents' compliance in implementing health protocols.

"Collaboration between the government and citizens is getting better, it is proven that no residents have been infected with COVID-19 in the past month," he said.

The latest data is the number of COVID-19 cases in Sangihe Regency as many as 1,834 cases and 1,788 people who recovered while 46 people died.

The accelerated increase in vaccination coverage carried out by the Sangihe Regency government also contributed to a significant reduction in cases of COVID-19 transmission.

According to vaccination coverage data from the Health Service until May 24, 2022, the first dose of vaccination has been carried out on 83,058 people or 73.09 percent of the total 114,631 residents targeted for COVID-19 vaccination in Sangihe Regency.

Meanwhile, the second and third doses of vaccination were recorded to cover 55,058 people (48.45 percent) and 5,793 people (5.09 percent) in Sangihe Islands Regency, respectively.

He appealed to residents to continue to apply health protocols to avoid the transmission of COVID-19 even though the central government had relaxed the rules for using masks in certain places.

"The policy of easing masks is only in certain places, one of which is in open spaces, but for activities indoors, masks are still mandatory," he said.

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