
JAKARTA - Tidal floods hit Semarang, Central Java. The breach of the embankment caused runoff to fill the land.

There are still around 5,000 families in two sub-districts in North Semarang who are still affected by seawater runoff that has entered the land or tidal waves on the coast that have occurred since the last few days.

"Two villages were affected, namely Bandarharjo and Tanjung Emas," said the Head of North Semarang Sub-district, Aniceto Magno Da Silva, in Semarang, Wednesday, May 25, as reported by Antara.

Residents chose to survive even though tidal floods still hit the area. He said the water level was still in the range of 20 cm.

However, he continued, the water is expected to increase when the tidal peak occurs. Efforts have been made to prepare an emergency kitchen at the North Semarang District office.

"Every day 2,000 to 3,000 packs of rice are prepared for residents affected by the tidal flood," he said.

In addition, he said, health posts are also prepared for residents who experience health problems.

"There are four ambulance units that are also prepared if needed at any time," said Aniceto Magno Da Silva.

Meanwhile, Head of Port Authority and Port Authority (KSOP) Class I Tanjung Emas Semarang, M.Tohir said the inundation in the port area was still around 80 cm. The two main entrances to the Tanjung Emas Port are still inundated by tidal flooding.

According to Tohir, the flood has not subsided because repairs to the broken embankment have not been completed.

"Because it's still a work in progress, water is still coming in," he said in Semarang, as reported by Antara

However, he continued, the activity of departing passenger ships was still running, despite changes in the departure schedule. This tidal flood causes the activities of passengers who will depart by ship to be disrupted.

Megawati's Warning

Long before, PDIP Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri mentioned the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo in handling tidal flooding in Semarang.

Megawati's statement was made during the Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Training event held by the DPP PDIP virtually, Wednesday, August 4.

Hearing that, Ganjar smiled and occasionally nodded to listen to Megawati's explanation.

At first, Megawati was talking about tidal flooding in various areas in Indonesia due to climate change. Suddenly, he looked for Ganjar's face who was both present in virtual zoom at the event.

"But earlier, I saw Pak Ganjar at a glance. This is if you are still listening to me," said Megawati.

When Ganjar's face was shown on the zoom main screen, Megawati immediately mentioned him. Megawati stated that PDIP appointed Ganjar as Governor of Central Java because it wanted to fix the tidal flood and port management in Semarang, Central Java.

"Well, here it is (now this). That's right from the start I made you (governor), you've already told me, right, wlah wleh wlah wlah wleh Semarang port affairs and so on, "said Megawati.

Megawati admits that she dares to speak like that because Ganjar is a regional head as well as a PDIP cadre. The warning aims to improve well in the Central Java region.

"I'm with my subordinates, I'm wani (dare I). But if it's with others, sorry, I'll be considered opo," said Megawati.

"Well, what about Semarang. Because I said, why is the tidal wave crying all the time (when there is a flood, the tidal wave will cry)," added Megawati.

Furthermore, he asked the regional government to coordinate with the central government to prepare for tidal flooding in the future.

"All holders of authority in the republic come on. Don't let the assumption that in 10 years (Indonesia) will sink," he said.

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