
NTB - Reforestation is being promoted at the former illegal gold mine or Mount Prabu Dundang Nature Park (TWA), Prabu Village, Pujut District, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Tuesday 24 May.

Central Lombok Police Chief AKBP Hery Indra Cahyono said the activity was an effort to save the environment, rehabilitate forests and land through soil, water and reforestation conservation.

"This is one of the efforts to maintain and preserve the environment so that it remains green and beautiful," he said in a written statement in Praya, Tuesday, May 24.

He added that the activity was carried out by joint TNI-Polri officers together with the Central Lombok Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) as well as participants from Latsitarda Nusantara Kompi B Elang.

Hery said that the earth is currently experiencing serious global threats such as floods, erosion, landslides and the loss of several types of flora and fauna, land and forest fires as well as increasing population and illegal mining.

So, he continued, it was necessary to reorganize the damaged plant ecosystem by carrying out reforestation by planting trees.

"We must protect and preserve this area together for the benefit of the community," he said.

The number of trees planted was 500 seedlings consisting of longan tree seeds, jackfruit trees and mango trees planted in three former illegal mining locations in the Mount Prabu Dundang Nature Park Area.

"This area is a former illegal gold mine, so we are re-greening it," he said.

The Police Chief also said that the reforestation activities were carried out as an effort to maintain soil fertility, preserve the environment and prevent the occurrence of critical land, including preventing erosion and flooding as well as making people aware of the importance of preserving nature and the environment.

"We urge the public to also take part in protecting the Mount Prabu area," he said.

Meanwhile, Danki B Latsitarda AKP Avani Erliansyah said that it was an honor to be able to join the reforestation activity with the hope that the activity would not only be planted, but could be enjoyed by the community several years later.

"Hopefully this activity will be useful for the community in the future," he said.

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