
SEMARANG - Expert of Hydrology and Water Resources at Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed) Yanto assessed that long-term mitigation needs to be prepared to anticipate tidal flooding as high as more than 2 meters that hit Semarang's coastal areas, especially the area around Tanjung Emas Port.

"To prevent tidal water from entering the mainland, infrastructure is the most likely approach," he said in Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Tuesday, May 24.

Based on BMKG data, Yanto said that the potential for tidal flooding is estimated to occur until May 25. According to him, this tidal flood is a combination of water from land due to high rainfall and high tidal waves due to the cycle of the distance between the Moon and Earth reaching the closest point.

He added that an increase in sea tides is a natural phenomenon that cannot be avoided, but an increase in flooding from the mainland is an event that can reduce the probability or reduce the amount of flooding.

"Mitigation efforts should be aimed at preventing or reducing tidal water entering land or settlements and reducing flood discharge," he added.

The construction of embankments along river mouths and on the coast needs to be carried out in locations prone to tidal flooding.

"In addition to preventing the tide from rising to the mainland, the embankment can also prevent the flood from entering the riverbanks. Another approach that can be taken is to plant mangroves on the coast to slow the entry of tidal water into the land," he said.

Another factor that needs to be considered by the government, he added, is the subsidence of the land surface due to the massive use of ground water.

"To overcome this, the government needs to make integrated efforts to meet domestic water needs, maximize the role and function of regional drinking water companies to meet the needs of all residents and supervise groundwater pumping through wells," he said.

He added that on the upstream side of the river, integrated management of watersheds needs to be carried out.

"There is a need for more environmentally friendly spatial management and disaster mitigation, besides that, it is necessary to develop flood control infrastructure both in river bodies and in watersheds," he said.

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