
MEDAN - The East Medan Police Criminal Investigation Unit team arrested Dedi Anggriano (30) who stole 2 laptops belonging to an Adventist School.

East Medan Police Chief Commissioner Rona Tambunan explained that the theft began when victim Rispa Tobing (55), the head of the Adventist School, put his laptop back in the school treasurer's room after work, Friday, May 20.

"Then, on Saturday, May 21, the victim again wanted to take the laptop in the treasurer's room. However, the laptop was no longer in its initial position. Then, the school door was damaged," said Kompol Rona, Tuesday, May 24.

Knowing that the school's laptop was stolen, the victim reported the case to the East Medan Police Headquarters.

The police immediately launched an investigation. From the results of the investigation, officers were able to identify the identity of the perpetrator.

"The perpetrator can be arrested while hiding at the housing security post on Jalan Veteran," he said.

For development, said Kompol Rona, officers then took him to the house of the perpetrator. The suspect's house found evidence of 2 stolen laptops.

"When questioned, the perpetrator admitted that he had stolen a laptop at an Adventist School by breaking the door using a tool," he said.

Currently, the perpetrator, who is a recidivist, has been detained at the East Medan Police Headquarters for legal proceedings.

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