
JAKARTA - Two tax consultants, Aulia Imran Magribi and Ryan Ahmad Ronas were charged with bribing a number of audit officers at the Directorate General of Taxes worth Rp. 15 billion. The goal is to manipulate the tax calculation results of PT Gunung Madu Plantations (GMP).

The public prosecutor (JPU) Rikhi B. Maghaz at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor), revealed that the Defendant Aulia Imran Magribi as the recipient of the special power of attorney for the taxpayers of PT Gunung Madu Plantations (GMP) and tax consultant Foresight Consulting together with Ryan Ahmad Ronas as tax consultant Foresight Consulting and Lim Poh Ching as General Manager of PT Gunung Madu Plantation (GMP) gave a total of IDR 15 billion with the aim of engineering the tax calculation results of PT Gunung Madu Plantations' taxpayers.

The bribe was given to Angin Prayitno Aji as Director of Audit and Collection of the Directorate General of Taxes, Dadan Ramdani as Head of the Sub-Directorate of Tax Audit Cooperation and Support, Wawan Ridwan as supervisor of the audit team, Alfred Simanjuntak as Head of the Tax Auditor Team, Yulmanizar and Febrian as the Tax Auditor Team at the Directorate General of Taxes. Inspection and Collection of the Directorate General of Taxes.

In the indictment, it is stated that Angin Prayitno made a policy to benefit from the audit to taxpayers, then notified the supervisors of the Tax Auditor Team that when reporting the results of the audit, they also reported fees for structural officials (Director and Head of Sub-Directorate) as well as for the Tax Auditor Team's share.

The distribution is 50 percent for structural officials consisting of the Director and Head of the Sub-Directorate, while 50 percent is for the inspection team.

In October 2018, Yulmanizar, Febrian, Alfred Simanjuntak, and Wawan Ridwan made a risk analysis of PT GMP's taxpayers for the 2016 fiscal year with the aim of seeking tax potential from taxpayers as well as seeking personal gain.

From the risk analysis, PT GMP's 2016 tax potential is IDR 5,059,683,828.00. Wind then issued an inspection warrant for PT GMP and appointed Wawan Ridwan as supervisor, Alfred Simanjuntak as team leader, and Yulmanizar and Febrian as members of the tax inspector.

During the inspection on November 6, 2017 at the PT GMP Office, Central Lampung, the inspection team found a note in the work room of the Finance Manager of PT GMP Teh Cho Pong who instructed him to do in-voice engineering.

In December 2017, Yulmanizar as the person in charge (PIC) met with tax consultants from Foresight Consultants Ryan Ahmad Ronas and Aulia Imran Magribi. During the meeting, Ryan asked for assistance in engineering the tax value to be issued by the Director General of Taxes on the examination of PT GMP.

"In addition, Defendant II Ryan Ahmad Ronas will also provide Rp. 30 billion for the payment of PT GMP's taxes along with fees for tax examiners and structural officials (all in) who assist in the management," said the prosecutor.

After the meeting, Yulmanizar and Febrian calculated PT GMP's tax value for the 2016 fiscal year and it was Rp19,821,605,943.51, while the audit fee and structural tax were Rp10 billion.

However, Angin asked for a fee of more than IDR 10 billion so Yulmanizar told Ryan and Aulia the agreed fee was IDR 15 billion and Wawan Ridwan said, "Pak Dir agrees."

On December 18 2017, PT GMP's inspection report was signed for Rp. 19,821,605,943.51.

To realize the agreement, GM of PT GMP Lim Poh Ching ordered his subordinates to issue a company check on January 22, 2018 for Rp. 15 billion which was recorded as a form of social assistance, even though the assistance was fictitious.

The check was cashed on January 23, 2018. Then the Assistant Service Manager of PT GMP Iwan Kurniawan handed over the money to Ryan and Aulia on the same day.

The money amounting to Rp15 billion was then handed over by Aulia to Yulmaniar at the Kartika Chandra Hotel in January 2018. Wawan Ridwan on the orders of Angin then exchanged the money in the form of Singapore dollar denominations.

After the money was exchanged in Singapore dollars, it turned out that the money brought was only Rp. 13.2 billion, so it was still less than Rp. 1.8 billion. Aulia Imran and Ryan Ahmad then only gave an additional Rp. 300 million, while the remaining Rp. 1.5 billion was a fee for Aulia Imran and Ryan Ahmad.

For their actions, the defendants are subject to criminal sanctions in Article 5 paragraph (1) letter a or Article 13 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

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