
JAKARTA - Politician of the Democrat Party Cipta Panca Laksana threw sarcasm at Social Media Activist Denny Siregar. In a tweet via his Twitter account (@panca66), Cipta Panca said Denny Siregar was a 'diligent' figure challenging Muslims.

The satire began when Cipta Panca responded to a tweet from a netizen with the @KadrunIntelek account. This account's tweet also includes a 0.45 second video clip which is a podcast of Denny Siregar and Deddy Corbuzier.

In the video, Denny is vehemently stating his attitude when he is threatened with a subpoena from a certain group. For example, when Rizieq Shihab's case with Firza in 'The Ballad of Rizieq's love' appeared to the public. At that time Denny was threatened by 700 lawyers.

Instead of shrinking, Denny fought back by claiming to add 300 more lawyers to make 1000 people even. "It shows that I'm not afraid, it's important to show I'm not afraid because I know if I'm afraid, I'm done,"

"They are cowards, I am a number. Cowards when they see losing people are stepped on, I fight, they are silent. That's what I've been doing all this time, who dares to touch me? stepped on," said Denny in the video.

Listened further, Denny did not offend or challenge Muslims as written by Panca.

"These people continue to challenge Muslims. It's not that no one dares to touch him, but they are disgusted. Proof that there are no radical Muslims. It's just his engineering and his gang. . Stripped naked, "said Panca.

To this tweet, Denny Siregar also gave a witty response.

"Hey ca, panca.. It's okay to talk about Muslims. Pray there first, ca. Then the sores on your scratching leg don't make it bigger," said Denny.

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