
JAMBI - The special criminal investigation team for the District Attorney's Office (Pidsus Kejari) Merangin, Jambi, has named two suspects in a corruption case related to cleaning services at the Colonel Abundjani Hospital Bangko which has cost the state Rp648 million in the 2017 to 2021 Fiscal Year. These are Berman Saragih as the budget user and Peby Yonaka (partner) who has been working on the cleaning project for five years, inflating the budget that is not in accordance with the work," said Head of Information and Legal Section (Kasi Penkum) of the Jambi High Court Lexy Fatharany in Jambi Tuesday 24 May. This case began with a report that was submitted to the local District Attorney's Office which was then followed up with an investigation by the prosecutor's team and the result in this activity was that there was a criminal act of corruption which was later named two suspects in connection with the case, the alleged corruption of cleaning services at the Colonel Abunjani Bangko Hospital, namely over name Berman Sara gih (BS) and Peby Yonaka (PY).

In that case, the role of the suspects is for suspect Berman Saragih as a budget user for cleaning service activities from 2017 to 2021 while suspect Peby Yonaka as the executor of the activity or a third party in the activity. The reason is that during the investigation it was found that the number of workers and the amount of cleaning materials did not match what was stated in the contract, so it was found that the total payment value was greater than the actual value of the work. 965,614.00," said Lexy, quoted by Antara.

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