
JAKARTA - The Director General of Population and Civil Registration of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) Zudan Arif Fakhrulloh explained the reason for the government to make a new rule that requires a person's name to be at least two words in the recording of population documents such as an identity card (KTP).

Apart from ID cards, population documents that are also regulated are resident biographies, family cards, child identity cards, residence certificates, and civil registration certificates.

This is stated in the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 73 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for Recording Names on Population Documents.

Zudan explained, this rule is intended to make it easier for children in other public services. Zudan gave an example during school enrollment. When the child is asked by the teacher to mention his name, in making diplomas, passports and so on.

"The reason for the minimum of two words is to think earlier and think about the future of the child, for example when a child wants to go to school or wants to go abroad to make a passport, it must be at least two syllables, the name must be in harmony with other public services," said Zudan in his statement. , Monday, May 23.

However, Zudan said the names of at least these two words were only an appeal and his name could still be written in the population document.

"If someone's name is only one word, it is recommended, it is recommended for a minimum of two words, but if the applicant insists on one word, it is okay," he said.

Zudan then emphasized that the recording of names on population documents must be in accordance with the principles of religious norms, decency, morality, and in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

For information, Permendagri Number 72 of 2022 includes a number of requirements for recording names on population documents, including being easy to read, not having negative meanings, and not having multiple interpretations; the maximum number of letters is 60 letters including spaces; and the number of words at least 2 words.

In the event that a resident changes his name, the registration of the change of name is carried out based on the determination of the district court and the requirements are regulated in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

Then, in the case of residents making name corrections, the recording of name corrections includes the section on correcting population documents based on authentic documents which are the basis for corrections in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.

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