
SUMSEL - The Department of Culture and Tourism of the Province of South Sumatra (Sumsel) invites the managers of tourist attractions spread across 17 local regencies and cities to continue implementing health protocols (prokes).

The head of the South Sumatra Disbudpar Aufa Syahrizal said the action was to anticipate the possible spread of COVID-19. Although the government has begun to apply relaxation of pandemic rules.

"The COVID-19 pandemic has not ended, tourist site managers must continue to implement procedures for visitors when they enter the location, such as requiring masks, washing hands, and limiting the number of visitors so that there are no crowds that have the potential to become a means of transmitting the Corona virus," said Aufa in Jakarta. Palembang, Monday 23 May.

According to him, the implementation of the prokes needs to be enforced so that tourist attractions do not become a contributor to the increase in the number of positive cases of COVID-19, which recently the number of cases of positive patients infected with the virus has been successfully suppressed.

In order to keep the conditions of tourist attractions safe for the public to visit in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, his party seeks to supervise the operations of tourist objects and coordinate with the managers of tourist attractions.

Complete vaccinations and the implementation of strict temporary procedures are the keys to preventing visitors to tourist attractions from being infected with COVID-19, he said.

Meanwhile, to stimulate the tourism industry, which is experiencing sluggishness due to the COVID-19 pandemic, his party seeks to rely on domestic tourists.

In recent months the number of domestic tourists visiting Palembang City and a number of other areas has increased.

The increase in the number of tourist visits can be seen from the high hotel occupancy/occupancy rate, especially on weekends, which can reach 90-100 percent.

"To attract more tourists to visit the province which has natural, cultural, historical and culinary tourism objects, his party continues to carry out promotional activities using various methods and media," said Kadisbudpar Sumsel

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