
MEDAN - 25 perpetrators of theft of motor vehicles who acted in 16 locations during this May were arrested by the Medan Polrestabes team.

Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of Medan Police, Commissioner Teuku Fathir Mustafa, said that most of the suspects were desperate to steal because they were to fulfill their need to buy drugs.

"The average crime rate is for using narcotics", said Commissioner Fathir, Monday, May 23.

Commissioner Fathir said that when they acted, the modus operandi used by most of the suspects was by taking them in the parking lot of houses or shops.

"Then they entered the house, broke the door and then took the victim's motorbike", he said.

He emphasized that his party would not hesitate to take action against criminals who acted in the Medan Polrestabes area.

Therefore, he appealed to the public to always be vigilant and keep their motorized vehicles wherever they are.

"The appeal to the public to jointly realize security in the city of Medan by increasing awareness of their vehicles. Do not be negligent in storing and parking vehicles", he said.

"As for the perpetrators who were arrested, they were charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 7 years in prison", he concluded.

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