
JAKARTA - Deputy for Gender Equality at the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Lenny N. Rosalin said that most of the human resources engaged in information and communication technology or ICT are still dominated by men. This is still male dominated, yes, so it is still dominated by men," said Lenny in the "Indonesia Women in Cyber Security (IWCS) Annual Summit 2022", which was followed in Jakarta, Monday 23 May. security in the world is only 11 percent. "The low participation, role and involvement of women in cyber security, at the global level, I read about 11 percent of the literature," she said as quoted by Antara. Lenny added that this was an opportunity for women to show myself that women can also have a career in the ICT field." For women with the emergence of Indonesia Women in Cyber Security, I think this is a breath of fresh air for women to be able to do it later, she has shown herself that they can," he said. He hopes that work in cyber security can be a career choice for women.

He said the cause of this gender gap was the low number of women who use cell phones, access the internet, access financial service products and have education in science, technology, and mathematics compared to men. tends to be masculine, making women rarely want to enter the world. "The gender stereotype that the IT world is a masculine world that is only suitable for men, that may be the cause of one of them that women are reluctant to enter there," he said.

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