
SAMOSIR - A total of 775 floating net cages (KJA) in the waters of Lake Toba which are included in the Samosir Regency, North Sumatra, are immediately brought under control.

The control plan was conveyed by the Regent of Samosir through the Acting Regional Secretary for Samosir Hotraja Sitanggang at the Floating Net Cage Arrangement (KJA) meeting in the Hall of the Samosir Regent's office, Monday, May 23.

The arrangement and control of the KJA is a continuation of the arrangement in 2021 to support the spatial layout of the Lake Toba area and its surroundings and must be completed in 2023.

He explained, in accordance with the Decree of the Governor of North Sumatra Number 188.44/231/KPTS/2022 concerning Determination of the Allocation of Floating Net Cages in Lake Toba, the number of suitable floating net cages in Samosir Regency is 548 plots and will be arranged according to zoning.

This year's enforcement will be carried out in 4 stages. Phase I will be carried out in May, as many as 256 plots have been recorded and are ready to be put in order. As a substitute for the KJA that is in order, compensation is provided for the KJA owner.

To speed up this control, Hotraja emphasized the role of the entire integrated KJA control team, to go directly to the field during the control with the help of the village head, lurah and sub-district head.

Reported by Antara, the Head of the Samosir Food Security Division, Andri P. Limbong, explained that the total number of marine cages in the waters of Samosir Regency (data collection 2021) was 2,796 plots. In 2021, 491 plots have been regulated, and 468 plots have been compensated to owners, 23 plots will be repaid this year.

In 2022 the target is 775 plots and in 2023 as many as 982 plots.

The KJA will be transferred to an inland pond, and socialization, formation and group development have been carried out. In lieu of compensation for the KJA plots, for 2022, a fee of more than IDR 3 billion will be provided.

Phase I enforcement will be carried out in Pangururan District (177 plots), Harian (2 plots), Simanindo (53 plots) and Palipi District 24 plots.

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