Viral Motorcyclists In Denpasar Showing Sex, Being Wanted By The Police


DENPASAR - Motorcyclists commit indecent acts by showing their genitals on the roadside. This obscene act was recorded on the cellphones of residents who were at the location.

The act of showing off genitals took place on Sunday, May 22. The motorcyclist sat on his motorbike and showed off his genitals. It is suspected that the incident occurred on Jalan Gelogor Carik, South Denpasar District, Denpasar City, Bali.

Regarding this incident, South Denpasar Police Chief Kompol I Made Teja Dwi Permana said his team was still investigating.

"The Criminal Investigation Unit is still carrying out investigations. We will inform you later of developments," said Dwi, Monday, May 23.

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