BOGOR – A woman who is eight months pregnant, Fitri (32), managed to survive a landslide in Pasir Pogor Village, Cipelang Village, Cijeruk, Bogor Regency, West Java, Saturday evening, despite being buried for five minutes.
"There were five minutes my children and I were trapped, before being helped by residents. When I saw the children's heads were being lifted. My husband was not saved, his position was near the kitchen door," Fitri said when met at her place of refuge not far from the scene, Sunday, May 22.
Initially, Fitri with her three children, Adit (8), Akbar (9), and Salma (5), and her husband, Duduh (40) were inside the house when it rained heavily at around 17.00 WIB.
He claimed to have seen water coming out of the sidelines of the retaining wall of the earth cliff with a height of about 6 meters right in front of his house. Right above the cliff is the building of a villa.
Then, Fitri saw that there was movement of the rocks holding the ground together with the flow of water, so that she and her family ran to the kitchen accompanied by the ruins of the wall.
“I was looking at the water coming out of the villa above. Flood in front of the house. Water also came out of the rock, when I saw it moving, I immediately ran to the kitchen," Fitri said.
After avalanche material rained down on her house, Fitri tried to save her three children. However, they were trapped by avalanche material until they were finally rescued by residents. Meanwhile, her husband, Duduh (40) was found dead, Saturday night, May 21, after being buried by landslides for some time.
The landslide of rock retaining cliffs in Pasir Pogor Village, Cipelang Village, Cijeruk, Bogor Regency, West Java, also destroyed another house, killing three of its occupants.

Two of them are Uum (70), a grandmother who was found holding her granddaughter, Nafis (4). Both were evacuated dead after a joint SAR team and volunteers searched the location for several hours.
"At that time, the position was like carrying a grandmother and grandson when they were found, early Sunday morning," said the Young Disaster Management of the Bogor Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Muhammad Adam.
Another victim who died in the house was Eneng (30), the mother of Nafis. The late Eneng was the last victim to be evacuated by the SAR team at around 13.30 WIB, with avalanche material piled up on the terrace area of his house which is now out of shape.
"From the plan of the house that we got, it was in front of the terrace. Because the house was facing a cliff and the condition was stuck with a motorbike," said Adam.
Meanwhile, Eneng's husband, Hilman, managed to survive the unfortunate incident. Hilman was among the five survivors of a total of nine landslide victims in Kampung Pasir Pogor, Cijeruk.
Meanwhile, the Cijeruk sub-district head, Bangun Septa, said that the victims who died were immediately rushed to the Kramat Jati Hospital in Jakarta for post-mortem.
"Brought to Kramat Jati for a post-mortem, as an initial report for the police's initial action. There was a request from the family for a post-mortem," said Bangun, to Antara.
According to him, the victims who died will be buried in a public cemetery (TPU) in the Cijeruk area after the post-mortem process at Kramat Jati Hospital.
The landslide, which occurred at around 17.00 WIB on Saturday, caused two houses to be heavily damaged and two other houses to be lightly damaged.
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