
JAKARTA - Golkar Party politician, Yorrys Raweyai remembers the former Minister of Manpower during the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono era, Fahmi Idris. According to Yorrys, Fahmi is a person who likes to encourage and motivate.

"He and I are quite close. Always active in Golkar then at work, he is the Minister of Manpower and I am the General Chair of SPSI and direct communication of various problems in Golkar, politics, so far we are still intense and he is very active in the Golkar whatsapp group give me motivation and enthusiasm," he said at the Funeral Home, Mampang Prapatan IV, Jakarta, Sunday, May 22.

Furthermore, Yorrys said that the big family of the Golkar Party was missing the senior politician. This is because Fahmi is known as a role model for members of the Golkar Party.

"He is a role model, our role model and firm in principle and persistent in fighting for problems, senior politicians in Golkar, our condolences to the big Golkar family," he said.

Yorrys admitted that he received the news of the death of Fahmi Idris from the Whatsapp group at around 10.00 WIB. Based on information received by Yorrys, the cause of Fahmi Idris' death was due to blood cancer that he had suffered for a long time.

"Having cancer, blood cancer which has actually been around since 2008 if I'm not mistaken, the last 4 days of treatment came in and breathed his last," he said. Met separately, PAN Chairman Zulkifli Hasan said he has many memories with Fahmi Idris. Because, he and Fahmi are in the same organization, namely HMI and Kadin Indonesia.

According to Zulkifli, Fahmi is a person who is firm and has a strong opinion. In fact, there is no fear of anything.

"Fahmi when she defends people, it's amazing. She's such a fighter. If she does, yes, no, no. Right, right, wrong, wrong. There's no fear," he said.

Previously, the sad news of the death of Fahmi Idris was conveyed by his daughter, Fahira Idris through his social media account.

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. Mr. Prof. H. Fahmi Idris bin Idris is angry with Bagindo," said Fahira in the Instagram social media account @fahiraidris, quoted on Sunday, May 22.

As for the plan, Fahmi's body will be buried in Tanah Kusir, South Jakarta.

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