
JAKARTA - The Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, praised and appreciated the work of the Ansor Youth Movement (GP) in supporting Indonesia's growth stability during the COVID-19 pandemic which has plagued the country and the world for two years.

The momentum of Indonesia's success in implementing the policy of restricting society and keeping the economy moving cannot be separated from the spirit of gotong royong carried out by all levels of society.

"I know very well what the Ansor Youth Movement did when together with the people, religious scholars, community leaders, local governments, the central government, and state-owned enterprises (BUMN) each other in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. The entire community has responded positively to social and economic policies so that we can get through this pandemic with the title of success," said Erick Thohir in a written statement, Saturday, May 21.

Erick's statement was conveyed through the GP Ansor Podcast which was broadcast in an event titled Friday Night Chat (OMJ), Thursday 19 May, with the host, Sumantri Suwarno, Chairman of the Central Executive GP Ansor.

Erick added that during the pandemic, GP Ansor's role in maintaining and assisting economic activities at the lowest level of society and also the private sector which controls 57 percent of the Indonesian economy is a reflection of the attitude of togetherness that must be maintained, both during crisis conditions and when the situation is stable.

"Today's momentum indicates that it is not always up to the government or state-owned enterprises. The attitude of unity and mutual cooperation that has grown from all walks of life during COVID-19 is much more important, and today we can see the results. This is because of the role of the entire community," he said. .

Therefore, Erick, who is also an honorary member of the Versatile Ansor Front (Banser), hopes that GP Ansor will also support the government's policy regarding the positive situation Indonesia is currently enjoying, which is considered successful in managing the pandemic situation well.

"Although the endemic is expected to occur in three months, I see that people are more confident. This must be supported by the government, one of which is the Lebaran homecoming activity. We not only free people from going home, but we also prepare detailed things so that going home runs smoothly and continue to maintain health procedures and masks, even though there is no need to maintain distance. Don't be afraid anymore. Instead, we must encourage growth and socialize the community, but remain vigilant and continue to work together," he concluded.

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