
JAKARTA - Hundreds of victims of suspected fraudulent investment cases reported PT Digital Asset Development Indonesia (DADI) to the Criminal Investigation Police of the National Police. In the report, the loss is said to have reached Rp. 230 billion.

"I represent around 700 people with losses of Rp. 200 to Rp. 230 billion," said the victim's attorney, Sahid, told reporters on Saturday, May 21.

In its report, PT DADI is said to have deceived the victims by offering various digital investment programs. In fact, the lure of profits reaches 10 times in a certain time.

"Allegations of fraudulent investments in the form of digital money or digital assets, such as bitcoin, as well as tokens, token sales, and other things. The names are NFG, Lotus, so it looks like there are asset buying and selling programs," he said.

"Later, if you buy digital assets, the price is Rp. 30 million for one year, it can be Rp. 300 million," he continued.

In addition, to make potential victims more confident, the reported party claims that the program or product has been registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (CoFTRA). In fact, said Sahid, none of the programs were registered or illegal.

Meanwhile, regarding the fantastic amount of loss because none of his clients made a profit. All the money that had been deposited never came back.

"Nothing at all, in fact what was promised to be traded in shares was instead a personal interest,"

In the report, a number of evidences have been attached. For example, program flyers and brochures, as well as ceremonial photos held by the company.

Meanwhile, the reporting has been registered with the number STTL/139/V/2022/BARESKRIM, dated May 20, 2022. The reported parties are suspected of violating Article 372 of the Criminal Code Law Number 1 of 1946 regarding criminal acts of fraud/fraud.

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