
JAKARTA - Masses from the Alliance of the People's Labor Movement (Gebrak) held a demonstration to commemorate International Labor Day, National Education Day, and 24 Years of Reformation.

The Gebrak action, which consisted of the Indonesian Trade Union Alliance Congress (KASBI), students and civil society, chose the State Palace, Jakarta as the stage for aspirations. So that the mass of action will be centered around the Palace.

"We are taking action at the State Palace," said Head of KASBI, Nining Elitos, Saturday, May 21.

Previously, it was rumored that thousands of elements of workers and students would stage a demonstration in front of the DPR Building to commemorate the 24th anniversary of the 1998 reform.

However, there was no mass movement in front of the DPR Building, no mass movement. Even so, a number of police officers remained on guard and installed barbed wire in front of the people's representative building.

The following are the 14 demands put forward by the Gebrak alliance:

1. Stop discussing the unconstitutional Employment Creation Act (UU) and stop efforts to revise the Law on the Establishment of Legislation.

2. Stop criminalizing the people's movement and solve human rights violations.

3. Lower prices (fuel, cooking oil, PDAM, electricity, fertilizer, VAT, and TOL).

4. Arrest, prosecute, imprison, and impoverish all corrupt perpetrators.

5. Redistribution of national wealth (providing social security for education, health, housing, public facilities, and providing free food for the community).

6. Pass the Domestic Helper Law and provide protection for migrant workers.

7. Realize true agrarian reform and stop the deprivation of agrarian resources.

8. Reject the postponement of the election and the extension of the term of office of the president.

9. Provide access to the widest possible public participation in the plan to revise the National Education System Law (Sisdiknas).

10. Reject the Revision of Law Number 21 of 2000 concerning Trade Unions.

11. Provide protection and job security guarantees for non-civil servant government workers (KB extension workers, honorary teachers, fishery and marine workers), as well as online drivers/drivers, and others.

12. Remove the system of contract work, outsourcing, and apprenticeship systems.

13. Stop low wages, apply a national living wage.

14. Eliminate gender-based violence in the world of work through the ratification of ILO Convention 190.

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