
JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta DPRD member Thopaz Nuhgraha Syamsul expressed his interest in watching the Formula E electric car race at the Jakarta International E-Prix Circuit (JIEC) Ancol, North Jakarta, on June 4.

Thopaz assesses that the magnet for this international event has attracted millions of pairs of eyes to highlight the capital city of Jakarta.

Moreover, Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria as well as Chair of the DKI Jakarta Gerindra DPD is working optimally and hopes that Formula E will be successful and run smoothly.

"As Deputy Chairperson of the Gerindra DKI Jakarta DPD, I strongly support that the event will run smoothly and am interested in directly experiencing the positive impact of Formula E for Jakarta residents in Ancol on June 4," said Thopaz in his statement, quoted from Antara, Saturday, May 21.

However, Thopaz has not stated in detail whether he has bought a Formula E ticket and the ticket category.

Previously reported, more than 50 percent of Formula E ticket buyers came from abroad. That means more ticket purchases from abroad than Indonesian citizens or especially Jakarta.

"The point is that both tickets were sold out and that's the end goal of the tickets being sold out. So, it doesn't really matter who bought the tickets," said Thopaz.

Thopaz, who is also the deputy chairman of the Gerindra Party DPD, assessed that the international car racing tournament had met its goal of bringing tourists, both international and local, to Jakarta.

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