
JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo ordered his staff to prepare steps in order to realize the availability, smooth distribution, and price of bulk cooking oil according to the highest retail price (HET).

This order is contained in the Chief of Police's Telegram Letter Number: ST/990/V/RES 2.1/2022 issued on Friday 20 May signed by the National Police Chief of Criminal Investigation Unit on behalf of the National Police Chief.

"The National Police Chief ordered the ranks to encourage business actors to accelerate the distribution of bulk cooking oil, selling the specified margin," said the Head of the Public Information Section (Kabagpenum) of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Kombes Pol. Gatot Repli Handoko at the National Police Headquarters, Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, May 21.

It is also said that business actors are encouraged to sell cooking oil with a specified margin to ensure retailers can sell according to the HET of Rp. 14,000 per liter or Rp. 15,000 per kg.

Police officers were also ordered to report any problems encountered in the distribution and sale of cooking oil in the region.

In addition, communicating with food and beverage business actors to play a role in helping the distribution of bulk cooking oil through distribution networks to the public.

The National Police Chief also ordered his staff to carry out intensive checks and data collection on all traditional markets or points of sale regarding the availability of bulk cooking oil, distribution, and selling prices to the final consumers of the selling price, namely the public, micro and small businesses.

"Strictly monitoring the sale of bulk cooking oil above HET and price fixing practices that make prices above HET," he said.

The last instruction, which ordered the police to enforce the law strictly against illegal levies or thuggery that could disrupt distribution channels, thereby increasing the selling price of bulk cooking oil on the market.

The government decided to lift the temporary ban on the export of cooking oil and cooking oil raw materials because the supply and price of bulk cooking oil has stabilized.

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