
JAKARTA - The application of the contactless cashless transaction system or Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) on the Indonesian toll road, namely Cantas, is planned to become an Internet quota-free application.

"This application has an impact on data usage or internet quota. Regarding the use of this data, we are also in the early process of collaborating with telecommunications operators in Indonesia, because later we will make the Cantas application an application that can be said to be quota-free. But what will the business model be like? With that operator, we are thinking about it," said PT Roatex Indonesia Toll System (RITS) representative Emil Iskandar as reported by Antara, Friday, May 20.

Emil explained, RITS tried to implement MLFF applications and solutions so that the public would not incur additional costs.

"Therefore, we created a solution called Electronic On-Board Unit (e-OBU) by simply downloading the application, and in the application there is already a built-in OBU so that toll users no longer need to buy OBU in physical form," he said.

In addition, Emil also said that his party was collaborating with Bank Indonesia because it was related to the payment system.

"The payments that will be contained in our application can be said to comply with what are the requirements or requirements of Bank Indonesia in implementing the payment system in Indonesia," he said.

Regarding non-exclusivity, PT RITS also does not lock into one scheme or one payment instrument.

"But we also open the widest possible way for all payment instruments in Indonesia to join or be integrated with the Cantas application. However, with requirements or eligibility that must be met by payment instruments which will later be integrated with the Cantas application," said Emil.

According to him, this is because it involves a transaction system that can be said to also support the survival of Toll Road Business Entities or BUJT partners.

"So what we have to make sure is that their income (BUJT) is not disturbed by the application of this technology," said Emil.

Previously, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) signed a Cooperation Agreement related to the Multi Lane Free Flow-Based Non-Cash Toll Transaction System (MLFF) with PT Roatex Indonesia Toll System (RITS).

Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono, as the Person in Charge of the Cooperation Project (PJPK) announced a competitive procurement process to design, build, finance, organize, maintain and transfer the Government and Business Entity Cooperation Project (PPP) Multi Toll Transaction System Lane Free Flow (MLFF Project) in July 2020.

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