
BANJARMASIN - The restorative justice program called for by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit is fully supported by the Director General of Corrections at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham), Reynhard Silitonga.

According to Reynhard, restorative justice is a step to improve the legal system in Indonesia.

"The existence of restorative justice shows one of the government's right steps towards improving the legal system," he said in Banjarmasin, Friday, May 20.

Reynhard said the coaching system which was identical to imprisonment could no longer be used now because imprisonment was not the solution. It even adds new problems because it causes excess capacity of correctional institutions (prisons).

Then the solution to overcome excess capacity in prisons and detention centers, it is hoped that there will be a new regulation that provides a decision not to burden the rehabilitation of all inmates who use narcotics to prisons whose average capacity is filled with narcotics cases.

It is known that until now the government has not withdrawn the drug emergency status in Indonesia. Therefore, it is necessary to take integrated steps and synergize the relevant parties in overcoming this.

"Actually, we have to focus on preventing the circulation and abuse of drugs and rehabilitating prisoners who are caught in narcotics cases," he explained.

The application of restorative justice, one of which is guided by the Attorney General's Office Regulation Number 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Prosecution Based on Restorative Justice.

There are three requirements for the principle of restorative justice that can be achieved, namely the first time the perpetrator has committed a crime, the criminal penalty is not more than 5 years and the value of the case loss is not more than Rp. 2,500,000.

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