
JAKARTA - The North Sulawesi Police together with the North Minahasa Police and the Sangihe Islands Police uncovered cases of smuggling a number of illegal firearms and ammunition. Two suspects were arrested.

"The perpetrator is suspected of possessing and storing firearms and firearms ammunition without a permit or illegally," said North Sulawesi Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Mulyatno in a press statement in Manado, Friday, May 20, quoted from Antara.

The disclosure of this case occurred on Sunday, May 15, at around 06.00 WITA. The police received information from the public regarding the alleged smuggling of firearms and firearms ammunition without a permit.

Then the North Minahasa Police arrested a man with the initials OM, aged 18, in Kalawat District, North Minahasa.

"After a search of OM was carried out, evidence was found in the form of a UZI semi-automatic firearm and 15 rounds of 9 mm caliber ammunition," he said.

The day after, at 11.30 WITA, North Minahasa Police personnel arrested a man with the initials FM, 22, in Tahuna District, Sangihe Regency.

Then the personnel headed to the Tamako District, Sangihe. At around 12.30 WITA witnessed by a local head of Lindongan, FM's house was searched. At that time, 25 rounds of 9 mm caliber ammunition were found.

At around 13.30 WITA, North Minahasa Police personnel accompanied by Sangihe Police personnel headed to the plantation area in the Tamako District, which is suspected to be the location for storing firearms.

After excavation of the ground, evidence was found of five UZI semi-automatic firearms.

Then on Wednesday (18/5), at around 12.30 WITA, a joint team from the North Sulawesi Police, North Minahasa Police and Sangihe Police found two more semi-automatic UZI firearms stored in an active speaker box at the house of a resident in Tamako District. .

"Evidence was secured in this case, eight semi-automatic UZI firearms, 40 rounds of 9 mm caliber ammunition, two BRI bank account books, and two mobile phones," he said.

He said the two suspects, respectively OM and FM, were threatened with Article 2 paragraph (1) of the Emergency Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 12 of 1951 concerning the illegal possession of firearms, ammunition or explosives without a valid permit.

"The threat is the death penalty or a sentence of 20 years in prison," said the Kapolda.

Regarding the two perpetrators, including networks or syndicates, the Regional Police Chief said that they were still under investigation and deepening.

"It is still being investigated whether they joined the syndicate or not. However, what is clear is that they have only been discovered once," he said.

According to a provisional confession, said the Kapolda, this firearm was suspected to be from the Philippines, however, his party is still investigating.

"These firearms are still being stored and have not been given to where," said the Kapolda.

The Head of Public Relations of the North Sulawesi Police, Kombes Pol. Jules Abraham Abast, said that the North Sulawesi Police and related agencies continue to cooperate in securing the border area.

"We remain committed to related agencies such as the TNI, Bakamla, by sharing elements in tightening security in border areas," he said.

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