
MAKASSAR - Makassar Polrestabes, South Sulawesi, held a reconstruction of the shooting case against Najamuddin Sewang, an officer of the Transportation Service.

"There are 28 scenes that we will carry out and have already been carried out. There are eight location points. At the TKP (the crime scene) there are four scenes," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKBP Reonald Truly Sohomuntal Simanjuntak, quoted by Antara, Friday, May 20.

From the reconstruction at the crime scene, four scenes were carried out. In scene 14, the executor with the initials CA, an active member of the National Police, has been stalking the victim since he was serving and following him from behind when crossing the road.

Furthermore, in the 15th scene, the perpetrator riding a motorcycle began to approach the victim, estimated to be three meters away, then fired shots at the victim's body, then overtook him.

In the 16th scene, the victim suddenly fell from his motorbike near the Ceng Ho Mosque, even being helped by local residents. To ensure that the target has been hit, the CA perpetrator looked in the rearview mirror and then left the victim and had time to open the online motorcycle taxi jacket that was worn on the motorcycle floor.

In the 17th scene, the perpetrator then threw the bullet casings and jacket into the Patompo Embankment Canal, then returned to his boarding house behind the Police Mobile Brigade Headquarters Jalan Sultan Alauddin to meet SL who is also an active member of the National Police to return the weapons and motorbikes used.

"The scene starts with the suspect hugging the victim, followed by the suspect shooting the victim, then the victim fell after being shot, and confirmed that the victim died and fled. The suspect initially followed the victim from work. The shooting distance was about three meters and (shooting) with his left hand," said Ronald.

From the reconstruction carried out since yesterday, it was revealed that the shooting case had been planned from the start. This incident is related to the love triangle relationship between a woman with the initials R (Makassar Dishub employee) and victim Najamuddin Sewang, and MIA (Muh Iqbal Asnan) the brain of the perpetrator who was then Head of the Makassar City Satpol PP.

Previously, the police determined that five suspects, each with the initials CA and SL, were known to be active members of the National Police, SH, an officer of the Makassar Transportation Agency, AS, a member of the Makassar Satpol PP and MIA, the Makassar Satpol PP Head.

The MIA suspect as the mastermind of the premeditated murder is subject to Article 55 points 1 and 2 in conjunction with 340 of the Criminal Code and 336 of the Criminal Code with threats of death or life imprisonment or 20 years in prison.

Likewise, CA and SL are subject to Article 56 in conjunction with 340 of the Criminal Code with the threat of the death penalty, or life imprisonment or 20 years in prison. Meanwhile, SH and AS are subject to Article 340 of the Criminal Code and 336 of the Criminal Code for life imprisonment and a maximum of 20 years in prison.

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