
BADUNG - After two days missing due to being swept away by the current on Kuta Beach, Badung, Bali, Kadek Yuda Yudyandika was found dead on Thursday, May 19 evening.

His body was stranded on the beach in a condition still wearing shorts.

"The body was found last night at around 21.00 p.m. local time," said Head of the Bali Basarnas Office, Gede Darmada, Friday, May 20.

The body was then taken to the funeral home. The discovery of the student's body after the joint SAR team conducted a search in the area of the beach and sea.

The marine search area reaches a range of 20 Nm, while the land search along the shores of Kuta Beach to the north and south of the MFI is about 4.4 Nm.

"When the victim was found, the joint SAR team had finished carrying out the second day of searching. That, the location was first seen to be south of the point where the victim was dragged by the current," he said.

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