
SUMSEL - The Food Security and Livestock Service Office of South Sumatra Province said that as many as 16 cows in four regions were detected as infected with the mouth and nail disease (PMK) outbreak.

The distribution of livestock infected with FMD, namely Lubuklinggau City, detected 10 cows, Musirawas Regency four cows, and one cow each in Ogan Ilir and Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) Regencies.

Head of the South Sumatra Food and Livestock Security Service, Ruzuan Effendi, said, specifically in Lubuklinggau City, of the 10 cattle detected with FMD, four of them died.

"Five tails were positive for PMK and forced slaughter was carried out, and one tail is still sick and has been isolated so as not to infect other livestock," he explained in Palembang, Antara, Thursday, May 19.

Meanwhile, four cows in Musirawas Regency have been forced to slaughter, and two cows in Ogan Ilir and Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) are being treated and isolated so they don't infect other livestock, he said.

He explained that Indonesia was actually free of FMD in 1986 and received international recognition in 1990, but now the livestock disease outbreak has been detected again.

Seeing these facts on the ground, his party invites all parties and levels of society to be aware of the PMK outbreak so that it does not spread to other 13 regencies/cities of South Sumatra.

To anticipate the development and spread of PMK transmission, according to him, his party together with relevant agencies are trying to tighten the supervision of livestock traffic.

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