
JAKARTA - A student was found dead after being stabbed by a sharp weapon on Jalan Industri, behind the DP3KK Office, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Thursday, May 19.

The victim is known to have the initials GAHD (18), a resident of Utan Panjang, Kemayoran. GAHD died after being stabbed with sharp weapons, type celurit by another group of teenagers.

According to MED (17), one of the eyewitnesses told police officers that at that time the victim was coming home from school on a motorbike.

While crossing Jalan Industri, suddenly 10 perpetrators chased after running from across the street. Then the three perpetrators who were carrying sickles immediately slashed at the victim. At the time of the incident, the victim was carried by a MED witness.

"The sickle stabbed the victim in the left hand, left elbow, left ear, and behind the left ear. After slashing the victim, the perpetrators fled," MED told officers in its report, Thursday, May 19.

The victim was then taken to Husada Hospital, Sawah Besar. But the lives of the victims could not be saved. The victim died.

Meanwhile, the case is being handled by the Central Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit. So far, the police are still investigating.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Central Jakarta Metro Police AKBP Wisnu Wardana confirmed the incident. They are still interviewing a number of witnesses regarding the incident.

"Student (victim), yes, we are still being investigated. We will check the crime scene, only witnesses will be questioned. What happened this afternoon," he said briefly.

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