
BANDUNG - The head of Nanjung Village, Dian Irawan, who was present as a witness, admitted that his village, which is the location of Bahar Smith, was entangled in a case of alleged hoax.

According to him, the lecturer who had become a frontman of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) was present to give lectures around 2013. The village regularly holds religious activities that invite well-known lecturers.

"It is routine every year, there has been a local ustaz, Habib Rizieq once, Habib Bahar as far as I know only now, Habib Rizieq once," said Dian Irawan, Head of Nanjung Village, Bandung Regency when testifying at the Bandung District Court as reported by Antara, Thursday, 19 May.

Previously, Dian did not know about the plan of her residents who would invite Bahar Smith in December 2021. She found out after there were talks from residents and saw uploads on social media.

"As usual it was a birthday event, there was no problem, I myself was not present because at that time there happened to be an event with the Regent of Bandung," said Dian.

During the trial, Chief Justice Dodong Rusdani commented on Dian's behavior as the village head. According to him, Dian must be proactive in the activities held by her residents.

The problem is, in several statements, Dian admitted that she did not know the activity plan or technical plan and other details regarding the event that invited Bahar Smith.

"I'm afraid there will be (negative) events, so you have to be proactive, don't want to know, try if you are guided by the committee, the event will be more organized," said Dodong.

On that occasion, Bahar Smith asked Dian about the condition of the residents of Nanjung Village after he gave a lecture at that location.

"Are there any differences in nature or differences of opinion among the people?" said Bahar.

"Nothing, at all," answered Dian.

Meanwhile, Bahar Smith sits as a defendant in the alleged hoax case related to his lecture on December 11, 2021 in Nanjung Village, Margaasih District, Bandung Regency.

Bahar was charged with spreading hoaxes related to the cause of Rizieq Shihab's imprisonment and the mistreatment of six FPI soldiers.

At the continuation of the trial on Thursday, three witnesses were presented, namely the Head of Nanjung Village, Dian Irawan, the host of Syarif's lecture, and the person in charge of the event, Arif.

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