
JAYAPURA - Residents of Jayapura City, Papua, enthusiastically welcomed the policy of removing masks in public after the government issued the policy. Jayapura Benhur Tomi Mano quoted by Antara, Thursday 19 May in Jayapura.

It is hoped that the use of masks will still be used because it not only avoids the corona virus but other viruses including the smell that pierces the smell.

Health protocols still have to be applied, especially when carrying out activities indoors.

"Hopefully, in the absence of residents who have been exposed to COVID-19, the case will no longer be a pandemic, but will be endemic like other viruses that already existed," said BTM.

It is acknowledged that currently the number of people vaccinated against COVID-19 continues to increase, including those who carry out booster or booster vaccines.

As of Wednesday (14/5) there were 147,551 people who had been vaccinated II and 31,635 boosters, explained BTM.

Meanwhile, Marthen, who claimed to live in Kloofkamp separately, admitted that although the government had allowed him not to use masks in certain areas, such as public places, because it had become a habit, he and his family would try to continue to apply health protocols by using masks when doing activities outside the home.

The use of masks has become a habit and the benefits are felt so I have asked my family to continue to use them, said Marthen, who works as an employee of a shop in Jayapura.

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