Bantul Regency Government Urges People Not To Panic Against Livestock PMK Outbreak
A veterinarian checks the condition of cattle related to the mouth and nail disease (PMK) outbreak in a cattle pen in the Murtigading Village area, Sanden, Bantul Regency/Photo: Antara


BANTUL - The Bantul Regency Government, Yogyakarta Special Region, hopes that the community will not panic about the outbreak of Mouth and Nail Disease (FMD) in livestock, because the disease is not transmitted to humans who consume it. PMK, don't panic, come to the local Puskeswan (Animal Health Center), because PMK is not a zoonotic disease, it's not contagious to humans," said Head of the Bantul Agriculture and Food Security Agency Joko Waluyo in Bantul, Wednesday 18 May. Indeed, cases of livestock affected by FMD have not been found and hopefully they will not be found. However, he continued, the meat of animals affected by the disease can still be consumed if it is cooked thoroughly. Joko Waluyo said that what is not recommended for consumption is the head, legs, and innards of the animal. In fact, he said, it should be buried or planted, because FMD attacks the animal's body parts. , use only the meat, but cook it thoroughly," he said as quoted by Antara.

"If in doubt, come to the local Puskeswan or the police, don't let the people be deceived by traders by buying cheap cows and goats, or be afraid of an outbreak of FMD. He said that in anticipation of the PMK outbreak in Bantul, his party had formed a URC (Quick Response Unit) in each sub-district which was coordinated by veterinarians at the Puskeswan. carry out strict supervision because Bantul is one of the districts that supply DIY meat needs, about 70 percent of DIY meat needs come from Bantul Regency," he said.

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